How to remove NotReady Pods from Kubernetes

Problem You got a pod left in NotReady status due to failed helm chart installation or resource deployment. ➜ ✗ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE release-0.11-kube-promethe-admission-create-7j7fz 1/2 NotReady 2 8m1s Tried to remove the pod with kubectl delete pod will just cause the pod to be recreated. Solutions Uninstall helm chart Run helm ls -A to list all current installed charts.
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Build Full Stack Webapp Using Cloudflare Worker and Github Pages

I have been following the COVID situation in Shanghai lately. Intentionally or not, it is surprisingly hard to find a daily chart to reflect the proper case numbers overthere. To solve this problem, I decided to build a webapp just does exactly that: a simple chart the displays Shanghai daily COVID cases that includes both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases. The overall design includes a backend API that provides daily numbers in JSON format, and a front-end page that presents the data in the form of an area chart.
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Setup Kubernetes Cluster from scratch

This post I will try to go through the steps I took to build a Kubernetes cluster from scratch. The physcial host is an old Dell Latitude laptop with 8GB memory, which runs VMware ESXi 6.7. The plan is to run 3 nodes on it with one of the VM set as master. Each server runs Ubuntu 20.04. I will skip the VM building steps here as our focus is Kubernetes.
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I wrote a Cloudflare CLI tool

I just wrote a Cloudflare CLI tool called flare 🔥! Check it out from my GitHub repo [email protected]:tomkingchen/cloudflare-cli.git. The tool does some basic queries to Cloudflare API and retrieves information based on the parameters provided. The reason for creating the tool is mainly to help myself to quickly identify information hard to find through Cloudflare dashboard like Firewall rule ID. The current version is to focus on display information only rather than modifing configuration within Cloudflare.
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Bye Bye Google Blogger🖐, Hello Cloudflare Pages😘

I had enough of Google Blogger! It has terrible editing UI for and I constantly receiving SPAM comments for my posts😤. Time to move my blog off to somewhere better! I was thinking to run a Wordpress server. Though I think it’s way cooler to run my blog simplely without worrying about backend infrastructure. After look around, I ended up using Cloudflare Pages to publish my blog. This allows me to write my posts with Markdown and then generate static html pages using Hugo.
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